Data Analytics as a Service

We can strengthen or build customizable data analytics, and management needs, resolve ongoing challenges and integrate new data sources to manage dashboard visualizations, reporting and predictive modelling for data-driven decisions.

Primarily, the service includes:

  1. Data and analytics strategy
  2. Data discovery and augmentation
  3. Data management and beyond
  4. Data democratization
  5. Industrialized solutions

Monitoring & Evaluation as a Service ​

Our solution provides insights from past experience, improving service delivery, planning and allocating resources, and demonstrating results as part of accountability to key stakeholders. 

There are four main objectives for our client:

  • To learn from experiences to improve practices and activities.
  • To have internal and external accountability for the resources used and the results obtained.
  • To make informed decisions on the future of an initiative.
  • Impact assessment of projects or program

Capacity Building as a Service (CaaS)

Our CaaS program is an iterative, learning and practice journey that combines access to our innovative platform, training modules and one-on-one consulting by data science, analytics and management, monitoring & evaluation, research & publication, grant writing and governance experts. We make it easy for practitioners and senior managers with or without data backgrounds to learn, adapt, and develop data applications for the public good in line with your company’s goals. 

DBS’s three main targets of capacity building include Institutional Development, Market Assessment and Individual Development (in-house and external project teams). 

Our three (3) objective includes:

  • Strengthen the capacity for the usage of requisite methodologies, tools and technologies. 
  • Increasing the effectiveness and sustainability of the participants to solve organisational problems. 
  • Empower organisations to deliver quality services to their stakeholders.